24/7 News

The usage of different information gathering methods

24/7 News is the comprehensive cross-media study that compares the different information gathering methods: Both traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers) and digital.

  • Understand the news habits of the French: Time slots, devices and methods, and how they are changing
  • Review detailed satisfaction results for each information gathering method
  • Identify the new trends in each specific target (young people, seniors, technophiles and others), with regard to social networks in particular
  • Adapt your editorial content based on your media types and profiles
  • Promote the combination of different complementary media types: Press/smartphone or TV/Internet.
  • 12 moyens d'information analysés : JT, chaînes d’info en continu, chaînes TV internationales, sites internet, pages d’actu, radio, presse, gratuits, réseaux sociaux…
  • Interrogation de 3105 individus de 18 ans et plus vivant en France selon une double méthodologie téléphonique et en ligne
  • Représentativité de l’échantillon selon la méthode des quotas
  • Synthèse + Interface de consultation en ligne des données
  • 2 niveaux d'information étudiés : les habitudes en termes d’information, les « réflexes » d’information quand un événement marquant survient
  • Un focus sur les nouveaux usages en termes d’information : paramétrage d’alerte info, souhaits de contribution, utilisation et motivations vis-à-vis des réseaux sociaux
  • Résultats annuels publiés au printemps

Confidence interval calculus

Sample size or target in the sample

n =

Proportion observed in the sample or on a target in the sample

p =


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Test of significance of the differences between two proportions

Used to assess whether the difference between 2 proportions is significant at the 95% threshold


Sample size

1st sample


2nd sample


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Les mots
des médias