Data Checking

Learn the Quality Indices for a database by cross-checking with data from Médiamétrie reference panels

How do you validate publisher data for its quality to be accepted?

Médiamétrie, a trusted, neutral and independent third party, relies on its data expertise to guide media players in evaluating their data.

Data Checking establishes quality indices for a database by cross-checking it with data from Médiamétrie reference panels

  • Validate the quality of a database with two quality indices
  • Compare socio-demographic criteria, such as gender and age, with those of the Médiamétrie reference panel base

Data Checking croise la Data éditeur avec la Data déterministe, réellement observée et auditée par le CESP, des panels de référence Médiamétrie.

Deux Indices de Qualité :

  • L’Indice Kappa. Il mesure la concordance entre deux qualifications de la même variable, par rapport au hasard. Il permet également d’établir une norme de comparaison entre plusieurs bases.
  • Le Taux de Concordance Global et Détaillé. Il est le résultat de la concordance parfaite entre un critère observé dans la base analysée et la donnée correspondante dans la Base de Référence Médiamétrie Data Checking.

Rapport de synthèse.

Confidence interval calculus

Sample size or target in the sample

n =

Proportion observed in the sample or on a target in the sample

p =


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Test of significance of the differences between two proportions

Used to assess whether the difference between 2 proportions is significant at the 95% threshold


Sample size

1st sample


2nd sample


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Les mots
des médias