Local TV

Is the population of my coverage zone familiar with my network?

How many individuals are receiving any given local network? How frequently is my local network being watched?

These are all questions that may be asked by a local network, and the Local TV study provides answers.

Local TV is the study dedicated to the notoriety, reported set-tuning, viewing habits and ratings of local networks within their coverage zone

  • This study makes it possible to obtain quantitative results on the performance of the local network, based on the following five study areas:
  • Assisted notoriety of television networks broadcasting local programmes
  • Reported set-tuning of the local network
  • Viewing habits of the network
  • The network’s ratings for the past seven days
  • Audience previous day
TV Locales est un dispositif d'étude téléphonique basé sur un échantillon d'individus âgés de 15 ans et plus, équipés TV et habitant la zone de diffusion de la chaîne locale étudiée.

Résultats quantitatifs sur 5 thèmes :

  • Notoriété assistée des chaînes de Télévision diffusant des programmes locaux
  • Initialisation déclarée de la chaîne locale
  • Habitudes d'écoutes de la chaîne
  • Audience 7 derniers jours de la chaîne
  • Audience veille
  • Vague complète : septembre - juin
  • Vague intermédiaire : septembre - décembre

Confidence interval calculus

Sample size or target in the sample

n =

Proportion observed in the sample or on a target in the sample

p =


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Test of significance of the differences between two proportions

Used to assess whether the difference between 2 proportions is significant at the 95% threshold


Sample size

1st sample


2nd sample


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

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